The territorial Police in Bukedea last night the 14th June 2022, at round 2140/c registered a fatal accident involving my registration no UAR 293M an izuzu bus belonging to wanagon coaches driven and motor vehicle registration no UAH 781Z Nissan belonging to gateway Bus service.

The accident happened at Kachumbala village along Mbale Soroti highway in Bukedea district. Gate way bus was travelling from Soroti side, while the Wanagon bus was from Mbale side.

Two male adults died on spot while one female adult died on her way to kumi orthopedic center, 35 victims of which 20 male adults, ten female adults, four male juveniles, and one female juvenile were rushed to Mbale referral hospital and kumi orthopedic center.

Preliminary findings indicate that the cause of the accident was by the Gateway Bus driver that tried to overtake in the corner and failed to keep his near side hence knocking the an oncoming bus head on.