Sunday, July 14, 2024


Number of Youths Contracting HIV Worrying

The rising number of new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women is posing a threat to the progress made in the fight...

UNAD Celebrates 50 Years Of Existence

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa proposed for the establishment of schools for the deaf in every region of the country as...

First Lady Janet Museveni Commends Late Kamya’s Education Legacy

The Minister for Education and sports Janet Museveni applauded the enduring spirit of the late Samson Kalibbala Kamya in his contributions to education....

One Dead, 117 Critically Injured In Manafwa Accident

Police in Elgon region has confirmed the death of a P.6 pupil of Nakhupa primary school in Manafwa district. This followed an accident that...

Warrant of Arrest Issued for Former UNBS Executive Director David Livingstone Ebiru on Corruption Charges

The Anti corruption court in Kololo has issued a warrant of arrest against the former Uganda National Bureau of Standards Executive Director David Livingstone...

