Government releases a report on upsurge of covid-19 cases .

Government has released a report on upsurge of covid-19 cases in the month of June compared to previous months at the beginning of the year 2022.

The report was released by the Minister of ICT & National Guidance Hon. Chris Baryomunsi while addressing press at the media center in Kampala.

While addressing the press at media Centre, Minister of ICT & National Guidance Hon. Chris Baryomunsi has cautioned the public on the new omicron variant.

 “We have noted that there has been a rise in the number of covid 19 cases since the last week of May this year,” he said.

He further noted that cases increased from 20 cases per week between January and May to now over 600 cases per week in the month of June.

Baryomunsi also warned the public to disregard the social media rumor mongers on the effectiveness of Pfizer being administered to children between 12 to 17 years.

 “First of all we have an operation research where we are falling up all those that are receiving the vaccine” he said

Baryomunsi briefed the media on the cabinet decision sat on Monday regards to the teacher`s salary.

He said government will sooner than later harmonize salaries of all public servant beginning with scientists.

 “The government of Uganda has been increasing salaries of public servants, teachers inclusive. The commitment of government to increase the pay of all public servants remains portal” he said.

The national teacher’s bill 2022 was also presented by the minister of education in the cabinet meeting chaired by the Vice President Jesca Alupo during the Monday cabinet meeting.