This is a time to remember what Easter means in the Christian religion. This is the journey that the Lord Jesus Christ selflessly took to provide the bridge that connected the human race back to God the Father. It was a painful undertaking, the Lord Jesus knew in advance how hard it would be, and He would have done anything to avoid it.  He prayed to His Father so much for so long until He sweated blood. Begging His Father to let this cup be taken away from Him.

However, the quick take home that we all need to never miss is that, inspite of how much He hated the death on the cross, He also much more wanted to obey His Father no matter what that experience would bring to His life. That’s why He always finished His prayer with the words, “not my will but yours be done” (Luke 22 vs 42).

Therefore, even as we celebrate these days of Easter, we must be eternally grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for His willingness to die that shameful death on that rugged cross, so that a way can be re-opened for all who believe in him, to have the assurance of eternal life with God.

Furthermore, this Easter experience can also give us courage to know that, even when things may not be easy for us in our lives, we should pray and believe that as long as we believe and allow God to be the author of our lives, He can help us to overcome and also ensure that the end will be better than the beginning. Because, if you consider those who saw the Lord Jesus on the cross on Friday bleeding, suffering from His enemies, they could not imagine that by Sunday, He would be risen, alive and well preparing to go back to Heaven to live in victory on the right side of His Father.

The Easter experience of the lord Jesus Christ, therefore, is a signal for those who believe that, the suffering you may be going through is not the end. Be encouraged that as long as your life’s journey is with God, three days can bring a difference that you can hardly anticipate and you can end that suffering in triumph, because the God we believe in is God.  Therefore, dear Ugandans, I wish you all a very happy and memorable Easter weekend, indeed as we celebrate the Lord Jesus’ victory on Sunday, let’s remember that His victory was our victory and when He said, “It is finished” (John 19 vs 30). Our hopelessness was truly finished because in Him we are victorious no matter how the situation may look on the outside.