Coordination Call: NUP Leaders Encouraged to Align Mobilization Efforts with Territorial Commanders

In a delicate dance between political mobilization and maintaining security, the National Unity Platform (NUP) embarked on a nationwide tour. This tour included launching party offices, organizing rallies, and holding meetings in various districts, all while adhering to Uganda’s political party laws.

Under these laws, political parties are required to conduct their activities in a regulated manner. The Ugandan Police Force (UPF) took a proactive stance, tasking territorial commanders in 12 regions with liaising closely with NUP organizers to ensure the smooth execution of their planned events.

These regions, including Rwizi, Rwenzori West, Rwenzori East, Kigezi, Busoga East, Bukedi South, Elgon, East Kyoga, North Kyoga, Aswa West, Savannah, and West Nile, each presented unique challenges and opportunities.

One key requirement was for political parties to disclose the specific locations of their mobilization activities outside their party offices, primarily for safety and security reasons. The UPF, with its authority under Section 32(1) of the Police Act, was responsible for regulating public meetings.

Permission from venue owners being mandatory, and activities restricted to enclosed areas, such as town halls. Organizers were reminded of the importance of adhering to proper procedures for public meetings, including having a traffic assembly plan and an adequate number of stewards to maintain order.

Rallies, processions, and any activities that incited violence were strictly prohibited. To ensure that everything unfolded seamlessly, organizers were encouraged to collaborate with territorial commanders for thorough security planning.

The message was clear: strict adherence to public order requirements outside party offices was essential. Failure to comply would result in a measured and lawful response from joint security task teams.

As Uganda braced for the nationwide mobilization tours, the delicate balance between political expression and maintaining law and order was evident. It was a dance that required precision, cooperation, and adherence to regulations. Both NUP and the UPF aimed to fulfill their respective mandates while safeguarding peace and security in the nation.