Kenya Coast Tourism Stakeholders Explore Uganda’s Top Destinations for Collaborative Marketing Strategy.

Kenya Coast Tourism travel agents, tour operators, and hoteliers are currently in the country for a Familiarization Trip exploring Uganda’s top tourist destinations.

The Kenya Coast stakeholders arrived on Wednesday at Entebbe International Airport and were warmly received by Uganda’s Consul General to Mombasa, Amb. Paul Mukumbya.

Their meticulously planned itinerary, organized and supported by the Uganda Tourism Association, Private Sector Foundation Uganda ,Uganda Wildlife Authority, local tour operators, and members of the Hotel Owners Association, includes activities such as Gorilla trekking in Bwindi National Park, a visit to Murchison Falls National Park, exploring the source of the Nile in Jinja, and delving into the Religious and Cultural sites of Namugongo Shrine and Kasubi Tombs.

To cap off their immersive experience, they will enjoy traditional entertainment and dinner at the Ndere Centre in Kampala. This Familiarization Trip is strategically designed to foster a collaborative marketing strategy aimed at boosting tourist arrivals in both Uganda and the Kenya Coast.

This visit follows a highly successful Familiarization Trip by Ugandan Tour operators and agents to the Coast last week, at the invitation of Uganda’s Consulate in Mombasa and the Kenya Coast Tourism Association. The Familiarization Trip took place after a two-day Tourism Conference held in Diani, organized by the Mombasa Consulate