China Donates Vehicles to Uganda for NAM and G77 Summits in January 2024″

Ministry of Works and Transport together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today received a donation of vehicles from the Government of the People’s Republic of China to Uganda for using during NAM and G77 Summits in January 2024.This not only highlights the enduring friendship between Uganda and China but also showcases the commitment to mutual cooperation. Below are the details;

Hon. Musa Ecweru, Minister of State for Transport

Your Excellency Zhang Lizhong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Uganda

Colleague Bageya Waiswa, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Transport

Colleagues, Government Officials present,

Diplomats and Staff of the Chinese Embassy

Members of the Press

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning!

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and indeed on my own behalf, I welcome you to this handover ceremony.

I convey sincere apologies from Hon. Gen Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was unable to join us today, due to other pressing Government commitments.

Hon. Minister.

Our gathering here today is very significant in many ways. It is a demonstration of the excellent bilateral relations between Uganda and China, which have spanned over sixty years.  It is also part and parcel of the support the Government of the Republic of China has extended to the Government of Uganda over many years.

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we are always grateful to the excellent collaboration the Ministry has with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, and by extension the relations between our two Governments.

Hon. Minister,

For many years now, the Government of the People’s Republic of China has extended support to Uganda in many areas, including in the construction of physical infrastructure. Our own Ministry, as well as the twin-buildings housing the Office of the President and Office of the Prime Minister, were constructed through grants by the Government of China. A lot more of such projects have been constructed through similar arrangements.

With regard to the transport equipment support, this is the second time the Government of Uganda is receiving a fleet of vehicles. It will be recalled that, during the preparations for the Third South Summit, which had been scheduled to take place in 2020, the Government of China donated 70 vehicles to support transport arrangements for the Summit. Since the Summit’s postponement, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, these vehicles have been under the care of the Ministry of Works and Transport, and they are in good condition for use.

Hon. Minister,

When preparations for the 19th Non-Aligned Movement and Third South Summit commenced, and it was agreed to hold them in a back-to-back format, the National Organising Committee identified transport as one of the challenges to be addressed. It was determined that the Government-owned fleet would not be adequate to cater for the transport requirements of the two Summits.

Accordingly, my Ministry was tasked to engage with the Government of China, through the Embassy, on account of our strong relations, to explore the possibility of additional support with vehicles. Gracefully, the Government of China agreed to once again support us, with a donation of an additional 70 vehicles, which we are here to officially receive this morning.

I would like to highlight, however, that unlike the first donation for the Third South Summit, the current donation was provided through a cooperation model, under the Global Development Initiative, whereby:

  1. The Government of China would donate 70 vehicles and meet all costs of their shipment and transportation up to Kampala;
  1. The Government of Uganda would take responsibility for all customs-related charges and taxes; and
  1. The Government of Uganda would purchase an extra thirty (30) vehicles and meet all costs associated with their transportation.

I am glad to report that all these conditions have all been met. The extra 30 vehicles purchased by the Government of Uganda are also expected to arrive in the country before the start of the Summits.

In this regard, I wish to thank all government Ministries and agencies with which we have collaborated to execute and complete this exercise. These include, in particular, the Office of the President, Ministry of Works and Transport; Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, and Uganda Revenue Authority.

Most especially, I thank the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China and his Staff, for their efforts to ensure that these vehicles are manufactured and delivered in time. We have had several meetings and consultations along the way, and I am glad that today, these efforts are being concluded.

I thank you.