Speaker of Parliament Commends Progress at Mandela National Stadium Amid Funding Concerns

The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, conducted an inspection of ongoing works at the Mandela National Stadium, Namboole.

Accompanied by a delegation from Parliament, Among was guided through the site by military personnel under the supervision of Sports State Minister, Hon. Peter Ogwang. She expressed satisfaction with the progress made by the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) Engineering Brigade.

“I am pleasantly surprised by what I have seen here. I want to commend the UPDF Engineering Brigade for their commendable efforts,” she remarked during the tour on Monday, 15 April 2024.

To determine the precise funding required to complete the project, Among proposed that Parliament conduct a forensic audit. She tasked Parliamentary Commissioner, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, to thoroughly assess the facility and report back to Parliament on areas needing improvement.

“We will conduct a comprehensive audit to evaluate the project’s expenditure and identify necessary adjustments,” she stated.

Ogwang instructed contractors to finalize all outstanding tasks and hand over the facility within two weeks, in preparation for the African Nations Championships (CHAN) scheduled for June.

The stadium is a key component of Uganda’s preparations for the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) tournament in 2027.

With Shs76 billion disbursed for the project to date, the remaining Shs17 billion is required to meet the total appropriation of Shs94 billion.

During a recent parliamentary session, finance state minister Hon. Amos Lugoloobi was urged to release the outstanding funds to ensure timely completion of the works.

In response to Ogwang’s request, Speaker Among ordered Pioneer Bus Limited vehicles in the stadium’s parking area to be relocated immediately in anticipation of further inspections.

At the plenary session on 11 April 2024, some MPs raised concerns about the prolonged construction period of the stadium. The Speaker directed the education ministry to furnish Parliament with a comprehensive report detailing the stadium’s status and the utilization of the allocated Shs97 billion.

Operated by Mandela National Stadium Limited, the stadium is a public entity jointly owned by the Ministry of Education and Sports, and the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.