Youth Leaders from Opposition Parties Join NRM in Pursuit of National Development.

More than twenty active youth leaders from the National Unity Platform (NUP), Uganda Young Democrats (UYD), and the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) have crossed over to the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM). Led by Roy Rugumayo, formerly responsible for NUP’s institutional affairs, they were warmly received by NRM Secretary General, Rt. Hon. Richard Todwong, at the party’s headquarters on Kyadondo Road, Nakasero.

In his address, Mr. Todwong expressed that the decision of these dynamic young leaders to join NRM is opportune. He emphasized NRM’s reputation as the sole dependable and inclusive political party with a clear vision for community transformation.

Contrasting the frequent internal conflicts within the opposition, Todwong asserted NRM’s open arms towards those eager to lead in addressing societal challenges. He pledged to guide and counsel the new members towards becoming influential proponents of the party’s mission.

Moreover, Todwong charged the newcomers with aiding in the battle against rural poverty, asserting it as a duty for all who hold the nation’s interests dear. Highlighting their educational advantage, he urged them to impart relevant knowledge to rural communities, steering them away from subsistence farming towards commercial ventures.

The enthusiastic youth expressed their eagerness to undertake any tasks assigned by the party leadership, affirming their readiness to learn and contribute. “We are prepared to learn. We are prepared to serve,” stated Rugumayo.