Former MP Fred Mukasa Mbidde Calls for Promotion of Writers and Reading Culture

Fred Mukasa Mbidde, former Member of Parliament and current member of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), visited Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) today. During his visit, he appealed to the government and other related bodies to promote writers in the nation. He also encouraged the general public to improve their reading skills, emphasizing the importance of literature in fostering a well-informed and engaged society.

Fred Mukasa Mbidde is a prominent Ugandan lawyer, human-rights activist, mass communication specialist, motivational speaker, and politician. He has served as an elected member of the 3rd East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), representing the Republic of Uganda since June 2012. Within EALA, Mbidde is actively involved in three key committees.

Mbidde’s contributions extend beyond the legislative assembly. He is a prominent member and former chief legal advisor of the Democratic Party (DP), where he also holds the position of national vice president and serves as the chairman for Masaka district. His legal acumen is recognized through his membership in the Pan African Lawyers Union and the Coalition for an Effective African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Court Coalition).

Apart from his political and legal endeavors, Mbidde is deeply committed to philanthropy and education. He is the Patron of the Mbidde Foundation and currently serves as the attorney general for Kooki chiefdom.

Mbidde’s call to action at UBC underscores his ongoing commitment to cultural and educational development in Uganda. By promoting writers and enhancing the public’s reading habits, Mbidde believes the nation can cultivate a more enlightened and progressive society.