Leaders Unite to Combat Crime and Foster Peace in Karamoja and Acholi Regions

The Minister for Karamoja Affairs, Hon. Peter Lokeris, along with joint security commanders and senior leaders from the Karamoja and Acholi Sub-regions, reaffirmed their dedication to eradicating criminal activities and fostering peace in the districts of North Karamoja and neighboring Acholi Sub-regions, thereby accelerating development.

The joint security meeting, held at Kotido District Headquarters under the leadership of Hon. Minister Lokeris, Maj Gen Don William Nabasa (3rd Infantry Division Commander), and Brig Gen Keith Katungi (5th Infantry Division Commander), aimed to tackle issues affecting Kotido, Agago, Kitgum, and Abim districts.

“We must confront and combat criminality head-on to sustain peace for development,” Hon. Lokeris emphasized. He urged senior leaders to engage pastoral communities, promote unity, and formulate a roadmap for reconciliation and harmonious coexistence, building trust and maintaining peace. “We must live and work in solidarity,” he stressed.

The meeting recognized the need for follow-up funding to renovate dams for livestock watering and commercial agriculture. Additionally, the Ministry of Lands, Housing, and Urban Development will be contacted to survey, demarcate, and resolve disputed district boundaries.

The political leadership of Kotido District, led by Woman Member of Parliament Hon. Aleper Magret and Hon. Lotee Paul Komol (LC V CP), offered apologies to the Acholi people for criminal acts committed by some individuals from Kotido District. The leaders committed to maintaining ongoing communication, coordination, and community mobilization for positive mindset change.

Hon. Christopher Obol (LC V Chairperson for Kitgum) and Hon. Okot Amos (Member of Parliament for Agago North) accepted the apologies and called for concrete solutions. They highlighted the historically peaceful coexistence of Karamojongo and Acholi communities, stressing that peace should not be jeopardized by criminal raids.

The Member of Parliament for Agago County, Hon. David Lagen, emphasized that security measures and resolutions should prioritize peacebuilding over political agendas. He advocated for mandatory education for the younger generation.

The joint security meeting acknowledged the commendable efforts of the 3rd and 5th Infantry Divisions of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) in maintaining peace, despite operational challenges.

The meeting was attended by Members of Parliament from the Acholi Sub-region, Abim, and Kotido districts, SCP Elias Kasirabo Commandant ASTU, Resident District Commissioners, District Chairpersons, Bishop of Kotido Catholic Diocese Rt. Rev. Dominic Eibu, senior military and police officers, and representatives from various security agencies, among others.