General Muhoozi Pays Tribute to the Late Colonel Lauben Mugenyi for His Dedicated Service to Uganda

General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Chief of Defence Forces, has honored the late Colonel (Rtd) Lauben Mugenyi for his committed service to the nation, the National Resistance Army, and later the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF), where he held various command and staff roles.

“The departed senior officer played a crucial role in restoring peace and security in this country, and the UPDF mourns the loss of a senior and professional cadre whose contributions were still greatly needed,” General Kainerugaba remarked in a eulogy delivered by Major General Silver Kayemba at the funeral service held at St. Luke Church, Ntinda.

Colonel (Rtd) Lauben Mugenyi, who passed away on July 2, 2024, joined the Defence Forces on May 15, 1985, and advanced through the ranks until he retired from active duty on April 28, 2024.

Throughout his career, he served in various capacities both in Uganda and abroad.

On behalf of the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs (MODVA), Mrs. Edith Buturo, Undersecretary of Finance and Administration, lauded the late Colonel for his remarkable contribution to the nation’s service throughout his career until his retirement.

Colonel Kenneth Muhaire, a close associate of the late Colonel (Rtd) Mugenyi, described him as a devoted family man and enterprising individual who worked diligently in the UPDF until his retirement.

The children of the late Colonel expressed their appreciation to the UPDF and former colleagues for their support during this difficult period, remembering their father as a humble and kind-hearted individual who always wished the best for others.

The funeral service was attended by generals, senior officials from MODVA, senior and junior officers, and many others.