Stuart Maniraguha Appointed Acting Executive Director of National Forestry Authority – Uganda

Stuart Maniraguha appointed as the Acting Executive Director of the National Forestry Authority (NFA) – Uganda for the next six months, following the expiration of Tom Obong Okello’s transformative six-year term. The handover ceremony, attended by NFA staff both physically and online, marked a significant transition for the organization.

In his farewell speech, Tom Obong Okello expressed gratitude to the NFA Board and his colleagues. “I thank the NFA Board for the trust they had in me and the time we’ve had together,” Okello said.

Stuart Maniraguha, in his inaugural address, emphasized the importance of teamwork and mutual support. “Let’s steer the ship together as staff while supporting each other to achieve our goals at NFA,” he urged, setting a collaborative tone for his tenure.

The event was graced by NFA Board members, led by Chairman Dr. Eng. Christopher Ebal, who highlighted the significance of unity and collective effort. “NFA is bigger than all of us; we should work together to achieve its vision by supporting the newly appointed Acting Executive Director.”

Maniraguha’s appointment is seen as a step towards continuity and furthering the achievements made under Okello’s leadership. The NFA community looks forward to continued progress and growth under Maniraguha’s stewardship.