Priorities and Plans for the Next Term from the UCAA Director General

By Fred Bamwesigye, Director General, Uganda Civil Aviation Authority

I am honoured to be appointed for another term as Director General of the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority. As I embark on this new term, there are many unfinished and new tasks to be tackled in Uganda’s aviation regulatory environment. Here are some of the priority areas I will be focusing on:

Firstly, we have just completed two ICAO Universal Safety & Security Oversight Audit Programmes. Moving forward, our regulatory activities will be guided by addressing the gaps identified in these audits, as well as strengthening the existing regulatory frameworks. Ensuring compliance and safety remains a top priority.

The civil aviation sector in Uganda has grown tremendously over the past few years, particularly with the re-establishment of Uganda Airlines. This growth has expanded our regulatory terrain, necessitating a focus on capacity building to effectively manage the increasing demands.

A key priority will be the upgrade and expansion of facilities at Entebbe International Airport and regional airports, including acquiring additional land and completing Kabalega International Airport. These infrastructure improvements will bring about increased oversight activities, ensuring we meet international standards.

Given the ongoing expansion of Uganda’s aviation industry, it has become necessary to separate regulatory activities from operational functions. This separation will enhance efficiency and focus within both domains, and I will be prioritising this structural change.

Lastly, Uganda Civil Aviation Authority will continue to align with regional, continental, and global initiatives aimed at improving aviation, embracing the spirit of “no country left behind.” Keeping the public regularly updated on our progress and efforts will be a key commitment.