“Promotion is a Statement Of Commitment And Hard Work,” Says Brig. Gen. Nyakikuru

The Deputy Commander of Special Force Command (SFC), Brig Gen. Asaph Nyakikuru has advised the newly promoted army officers to double their commitment and efforts towards service because the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) expects a lot from them. 

“Promotion is the advancement from the current rank to the next higher rank, it’s a significant achievement in a service member’s career. Promotion is a statement of commitment, hard work, mastery of duty and skills in leadership,” he said. 

Brig. Gen. Nyakikuru who is also the Commander of Special Force Group 2 (2SFG), made the remarks on 9th August 2024 at 10 Marine Battalion Headquarters in Entebbe while presiding over the pipping and decoration ceremony of the newly promoted army officers.

He appealed to the officers who have not been promoted to wait upon the timing of God, for it is always the right time. 

He said in biblical terms, the bible portrays promotion as a divine favour and a reward from God.

“God promotes when his timing is right, not our own (human) timing.”

Furthermore, Brig. Gen. Nyakikuru informed the promoted officers that they have a huge responsibility ahead of them and they should ensure that they are up to the task as they fulfil their mandate. 

“Your subordinates will be looking at you as a fountain of wisdom, you’ll be required to have solutions to their problems and always encourage them to take initiatives and act with responsibility,” he urged, before congratulating the promoted officers upon achieving the milestone. 

The Commander of Special Force Group 3 (3SFG), Col. Wilson Bagonza thanked the President and Commander-In-Chief of the UPDF for his visionary stewardship that has transformed the army from a ragtag to now a formidable force that is now exporting peace and is admired regionally. 

“It is the reason we are holding such functions today because it wouldn’t have been possible if there was instability.”

Col. Bagonza also extended his gratitude to the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba for revolutionising army training. 

“He energised it by adding special training to us that ushered in the commando unit to SFC.”

He also thanked the Commander of SFC, Maj Gen. David Mugisha for his continuous support to training.

The Director- Human Resource Management- SFC, Col. John Mango Baraza presented a total of 104 officers from the Special Force Command who were recently promoted by the President of the Republic of Uganda, and the Commander-In-Chief of the UPDF for pipping and decoration.

Among the 104 SFC officers promoted, 01 Acting Colonel was confirmed to Colonel, 01 Lt Col was promoted to Colonel and 01 Lieutenant Colonel was confirmed, 02 Majors were elevated to Lieutenant Colonel, 09 Captains were promoted to Major, 07 Lieutenants were promoted to Captain and in addition, the probation period for 83 Second Lieutenants was terminated and were promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. 

Speaking on behalf of the promoted officers, Lt Col. Elisabeth Agaba thanked the Commander In Chief for giving them the opportunity to serve in the UPDF.

She said they may not be the best from the communities but they have been given the platform to perform their duties. 

Lt Col. Agaba also extended her gratitude to both the CDF and the CSFC for their continued guidance. She appealed to the newly promoted officers to remain disciplined, loyal but above all be patriotic.

The function was attended by Group Commanders, Brigade Commanders, Directors, Commanding Officers, Commandants, Members of Staff and Command of SFC, Senior and Junior officers including the spouses of the newly promoted officers.