Amb. Barbara Nekesa Urges Youth to Embrace NRM for Stability and Prosperity, Pledges Support to Baise Matende Clan

NRM National Treasurer, Ambassador Barbara Nekesa, has called on young people to join the ruling party, stating it is the only path to stability and prosperity for all Ugandans.

While addressing the third-anniversary coronation of the Baise Matende Clan Leader in Luuka district, Amb. Nekesa emphasized that the youth should not be misled into thinking that the NRM is a party solely for the older generation, but rather a platform that embraces people from all walks of life.

“I have served in numerous roles as an MP, Minister, Ambassador, and now National Treasurer, all while still young. This proves that the ruling NRM provides opportunities for everyone to thrive,” Nekesa remarked.

Mrs. Nekesa praised the community for engaging in productive activities and discouraged the detrimental practice of subdividing family land among members.

“Dividing family land into smaller plots is harmful because it prevents meaningful production, leading to poverty among family members,” Nekesa noted.

She thanked the local residents for their longstanding support of President Museveni and the NRM, urging them to continue their overwhelming backing in the next election.

The National Treasurer assured the clan leader that she would expedite his requests to President Yoweri Museveni.

Nekesa also contributed 5 million shillings towards the development of the Clan and 2 million shillings to support the community church.