In 2019, a small-scale zero-grazing cattle project began in Kololo, accommodating ten Friesian cows. This venture, however, stood in violation of both the National Environment (Air Quality Standards) Regulations of 2024 and the National Physical Planning Standards and Guidelines of 2011. The farmer, upon being advised by authorities, transferred six of the cows to a farm in Iganga in February 2024. Yet, complaints continued, prompting a thorough site inspection by the Environment Protection Force (EPF) and EMA.
The inspection revealed that the farm lacked the necessary approvals, including a valid permit, and was poorly managing waste, breaching the National Environment (Waste Management) Regulations of 2020. Noise levels from the cattle were recorded at 85 decibels, exceeding the permissible 55-decibel limit for mixed residential areas, as defined by the National Environment (Noise Standards and Control) Regulations of 2003. Additionally, the inspection noted severe air pollution, marked by a strong smell of ammonia and methane emissions from accumulated dung, which violated the National Environment (Air Quality Standards) Regulations of 2024.
Consequently, the farm was ordered to cease operations, and the farmer was instructed to move the remaining four cows to the Iganga farm. A mandate was issued for the complete cleanup and responsible management of the pollution in accordance with Section 78 of the National Environment Act Cap 181.