The Presidential Industrial Hubs constructed across the country are action-based and results-oriented. This was revealed today by the Director Presidential Projects and Industrial Hubs, Eng. Raymond Kamugisha after touring the Bugisu Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub located in Mbale District.
“All the 19 presidential industrial hubs in the country are now operational. They are action-based and results oriented”. Eng. Kamugisha said. He revealed this during a meeting with members of the Zonal and District Hub Committees of Bugisu Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub. The meeting took place at the Bugisu Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub located at Lukhonge Village, Nambwa Parish, Lukhonge Sub-County in Mbale District.
The Bugisu Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub covers Seven
Districts of Jurisdiction namely; Mbale, Mbale City, Sironko,
Bulambuli, Manafa, Bududa, and Namisindwa.

Engineer Kamugisha and members of the district and zonal
committees toured the facility and met with the students who were learning Carpentry, Welding, Hairdressing, and Tailoring. He said that this was a routine tour aimed at re-energizing management and students but also with the objective of inspecting and seeing the progress of the programme.
“This is a very transparent programme. We want to help the
disadvantaged youths to acquire skills at no cost and to be able to help themselves create wealth and jobs in the future” he said.

The Director said that it was intentional for the hubs to be run by someone from the local community who can speak the local language because majority of the learners mostly understand the local languages. “We want the hubs to be managed by the local people. We began on a small pilot project scale but we shall expand to admit more leaners in the next phase” Eng. Kamugisha said.
Engineer Kamugisha revealed that the hubs will soon start
producing goods for the markets. He congratulated the youth and women representatives who were elected to sit on the Zonal Hub Committee.
“The NRM Government is passionate about women and youth.
That is why we decided to include them on the committee. We want everyone to be involved”

During elections, Mr. Mauso Brian from Mbale City was elected as the youth representative, while Ms. Wasike Eunice from Manafa district was elected as the women representative to the committee.
The Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Mbale who also doubles as the vice chairperson of the zonal hub committee, Ms. Nasike Asumini commended President Museveni and State House for such a well thought out programme that is benefitting the young people. “I thank the President and State House for the project and for identifying the young people on management. I also
thank the manager and technical staff for a job well-done”. RDC Nasike said.
She revealed and commended the citizen who donated land to the hub to expand their activities. “He has demonstrated a patriotic spirit. I pledge to see to it that the place is secure enough and that the students study well” she said.
The Manager, Bugisu Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub, Mr.
Woniala Phillip said that they officially started on 29th July 2022 after admitting 210 students.
“Among the 210 students we have, 116 are males and 94 are female. They all reside here at the center free of charge in two detached dormitories. We feed them and give them skills” Mr Woniala revealed.

Apart from the skills students learn in class, Mr. Woniala said that they also deal with mindset change in addition to giving them physical exercises for body fitness.
Bugisu Zonal Presidential Industrial Hub is seated on 25 acres of land.