Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja Flags Off 97,555 Iron Sheets to Karamoja

The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja together with the Minister of State for Karamoja Hon. Agness Nandutu and Hon. MPs from Karamoja today flagged off trucks loaded with iron sheets to Karamoja at our stores in Kampala Industrial and Business Park in Namanve.

In 2021, Cabinet approved the procurement of iron sheets for distribution to the “reformed warriors” and other people in Karamoja to contribute to efforts to pacify the sub-region. A total of 97,555 iron sheets will be distributed to 3,752 beneficiaries in Karamoja in the first phase.

The Government has since 2007 been implementing affirmative action programmes in Karamoja to facilitate socioeconomic development