Parliament Summons Minister Otafiire Regarding Luzira Prison Relocation

The Minister of Home Affairs, Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, will need to justify the government’s decision to transfer Luzira Prison from Kampala to Buikwe district in favor of an International Conference Center and Commercial Hub.

Speaker Anita Among issued the instruction in response to a matter of national significance raised by Igara County West MP, Hon. Gaffa Mbwatekamwa, on Wednesday, 28 February 2024.

Mbwatekamwa expressed concern that the government was making a significant decision without consulting elected representatives.

“The reports about relocating Luzira prison have circulated on social media, but I have not seen any minister or the Prime Minister come to this House to confirm if it’s accurate,” Mbwatekamwa remarked.

He noted that he possessed two letters already in the public domain regarding a presidential directive to Otafiire to hold consultative meetings on the relocation of Luzira prison.

“The President’s letter on prison relocation is dated 10 July 2022, and Otafiire’s letter inviting stakeholders regarding the directive is dated 22 February 2022,” Mbwatekamwa disclosed.

He also expressed concern that the Minister responsible for the relocation has faced negative publicity, alleging his involvement in acquiring a government ranch in Buikwe district.

Among, mindful of Parliament’s procedural rules, advised Mbwatekamwa to wait for the Minister’s presence to voice his concerns.

“Could you raise that matter when Gen. Otafiire is present in the House? Our rules stipulate that you cannot discuss someone who is absent from the House,” Among stated, adding, “The Official Secrecy Act is relevant, but if the allegations are true, I would like to request the Minister to provide an explanation”.