CDF’s Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba’s Remarks on the 30th Coronation Anniversary of the Omukama of Bunyoro

General Muhoozi Kainerugaba conveyed his apologies for not attending the 30th coronation anniversary of the Omukama of Bunyoro due to pressing state duties. He congratulated Omukama Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru Rukirabasaija on three decades of leadership. Muhoozi highlighted Bunyoro’s rich history and cultural significance, praising the Omukama’s dedication to promoting culture, education, healthcare, modern agriculture, and HIV/AIDS awareness. He noted the region’s strategic importance due to its oil reserves, leading to significant infrastructure improvements. Muhoozi urged the youth to capitalize on emerging opportunities and concluded with well-wishes for continued success and prosperity. Below are the detailed remarks by Gen Muhoozi :

“First of all, I want to offer my apologies for my absence at this event, as pressing state obligations demand my attendance elsewhere. Nonetheless, my thoughts and support are with you as you commemorate this great occasion.

Allow me to extend my warm congratulations to the Omukama of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom, Dr. Solomon Gafabusa Iguru Rukirabasaija, on the remarkable achievement of celebrating 30 years on the throne.

Bunyoro kingdom stands as a beacon of historical and cultural significance, instilling a sense of patriotism in the hearts of all Ugandans. The heroic tales of resistance against colonial powers, epitomized by leaders like Omukama Kabalega, continue to inspire all of us to this day.

I, therefore, commend Omukama Dr. Gafabusa for his steadfast leadership over the past three decades, upholding the legacy of illustrious predecessors through dedicated service to his people.

I have observed with admiration his focus on promoting culture, education, healthcare, modern agriculture, and raising awareness about HIV/AIDS within the community. These initiatives align closely with government efforts to ensure a thriving and healthy population.

The strategic importance of Bunyoro cannot be overstated, particularly given the presence of valuable oil reserves in this region. This has undoubtedly caused significant improvements in infrastructure, including the near-completion of the airport and road networks, which are vital for the region’s development and Uganda at large.

Therefore, as Bunyoro progresses at a rapid pace, I urge our young to position themselves strategically to seize the abundant opportunities arising from these advancements.

In conclusion, I express my gratitude to all in attendance and extend my best wishes for continued success and prosperity.”