Successful Joint Security Operation Retrieves 3 Firearms in Karamoja Region

In a collaborative effort by security forces to uphold law and order, three firearms were successfully recovered from the South Karamoja region. Despite the ongoing awareness campaigns regarding the presidential initiative for voluntary firearm surrender without facing prosecution, the outcomes have been mixed across various districts.

In North Karamoja, including areas like Kotido, Kaabong, Karenga, and Abim, there has been notable progress with Karamojong youth (commonly known as Karacunas) willingly relinquishing their arms. However, the same cannot be said for the southern districts. Moroto, Napak, Amudat, and Nakapiripirit continue to encounter challenges in embracing the presidential amnesty, resulting in sporadic incidents such as cattle thefts, particularly between the Pokot (Amudat) and Pian (Nabilatuk, Nakapiripirit) communities.

One such incident involved the theft of 94 goats and sheep from Namoni Aloris village in Kosike Subcounty, Nabilatuk District, during the night of August 29, 2023. Fortunately, a coordinated effort by joint security forces led to the successful recovery of all the stolen livestock.

In response to these occurrences, security forces conducted a well-organized operation aimed at retrieving arms from armed criminals in the Alakas (Amudat) and Nakabaat (Moroto) regions. This operation yielded positive results, culminating in the recovery of three firearms:

  1. Firearm with serial number 50292, along with 5 rounds of ammunition.
  2. Firearm with serial number 38110, though it was found empty of rounds.

These firearms were obtained through a cordon and search operation in Nakabat village, Rupa Subcounty, Moroto District, from unidentified warriors. Additionally, an SMG rifle with registration number 11253 and 5 rounds of ammunition was successfully recovered from Tingaz village in Alakas, Amudat District.

While security forces maintain their unwavering commitment to ensuring peace throughout Karamoja, we earnestly appeal to the Karacunas in the southern region to fully embrace the presidential amnesty. By voluntarily surrendering firearms to the government without fear of prosecution, we can collectively foster a safer and more stable community.